1 year long workshops - which one to choose?

There are few year long workshops that are running today, each one involving a collaboration of about 20 teachers. Which one to choose? I am involved in 3 this year and they are all starting in 1st of January: Life Book with Tamara Laporte, Let’s Face It with Kara Stratchan Bullock, and Paint Your Heart & Soul with Olga Furman.

Here is a list of comparison and differences between these 3 workshops, their strong points and how each one of them can be a great choice for beginner and intermediate artist.

First of all similarities between the 3:

They are all 1 year long, with lessons and inspirational material being delivered to you weekly for the whole year.

Prices are great considering huge amount of teachers and classes given during the course duration. There is no better value for money on any other short term workshops compared to these.

They are all designed for beginner and intermediate artists.

I am fortunate to connect well and know all 3 hosts of these workshops, and find them extremely supportive, sweet and gentle girls, always down to earth and accessible.

Now the differences are boiling down to the theme/focus of attention/style of the workshops:

Life Book:

will aim at healing journey through art, each month and week, having themes related to your inner wellbeing, transforming, unfolding and reconciling things within yourself, through art and with the help of art. My class there will be creating a soulful story art, using symbols of protection, care, shielding, preservation and safety. Tamara herself teaches illustrative type of art, with gorgeous and luminous big eyed girls, cutest animals ever, and soul touching healing messages on the artworks. Healing that this workshop will bring into your life has priceless value, truly.

Let’s Face It:

will aim at practicing painting faces, in huge variety of media, styles, approaches and angles. There are no limits to this fabulous theme in art, always intriguing, always evolving. I will be doing demo on darker skin tones this coming year and give comparison in color palette of painting light versus dark skin tones, as well as Caucasian versus African features. Kara’s style is between illustrative and painterly, with striking contrasts and a touch of quirky patterns. To me there can never be enough of painting faces, I simply adore them!

Paint Your Heart & Soul:

will aim at narrative in art, or story art as I like to call it. This class will have big emphasis on compositional elements, and array of symbols, backgrounds and story art elements to bring forth not just a well painted face, but also body, landscape, patterns, animals and anything else that your soul desires to tackle storytelling in art – my so loved subject. How I am linked to this workshop I cannot yet reveal, since I am not on a teachers list. I was not even technically invited – ha!, But… I crept in and parked myself in there, somewhere… in a middle of all this arty storytelling… You will see! Olga’s style of art is very similar to mine, it’s soulful, expressive and with deep meaning of life’s beauty and tragedy, survival and triumph.

I hope I had your question answered and make it easier for you to choose your favourite most needed workshop for the coming year. Neither of these 3 workshops contradict nor repeat each other, they are very very different! 

To read more about these workshops and sign up to 1 or 2 or all 3, please go through these links:

Life Book

Let's Face It

Paint Your Heart And Soul